Become a CPD accredited training provider

The CPD Certification Service is the world's leading and largest CPD accreditation service, with over 25 years' experience supporting accredited CPD training providers across industry sectors

CPD accreditation for training and events

There is an increasing expectation for professionals to undertake Continuing Professional Development (CPD) regardless of industry sector, career level, job role and responsibilities. The CPD Certification Service have 25 years' experience helping organisations to formalise training and events suitable for CPD accreditation.

Organisations wishing to become CPD accredited can display their commitment through membership with The CPD Certification Service.

Member organisations are advised and encouraged to submit their training courses and events material for formal review and impartial CPD accreditation by our team of experienced CPD Assessors.

CPD accreditation for a range of learning activities:

  • Workshops & seminars
  • Conference & events
  • Training courses
  • Online & E-learning
  • Other structured forms of learning

Why CPD accredit your training and events?


The CPD Certification Service provide accreditation for organisations ranging from small consultancy firms to large training providers, multi-national corporations, conference & events organisers, universities, further education colleges, local authorities, councils and Government departments. Organisations become CPD providers in order to:

  • Meet the right target audience
  • Present their knowledge as industry experts
  • Provide structured accredited CPD to delegates and attendees
  • Distinguish from other market sector competitors
  • Help increase delegate bookings for events and courses
  • Create new alliances & business opportunities

Thousands of CPD training providers are sharing their skills with the world

Benefits of CPD Membership


Becoming a CPD provider and certifying your training materials follows a simple process. The CPD Certification Service provides different membership levels to suit needs and budgets.

CPD membership is determined by an initial dialogue and recommendations for your most effective routes to market. CPD Providers are able to utilise key features of membership to help support business, marketing and training objectives.

  • Provide review and advice on organisational CPD requirements
  • CPD accreditation for courses & events, from 1 – 250+ activities a year
  • Licence to use CPD Member logo on company marketing materials
  • CPD Certified symbol on approved CPD training course materials
  • Presence in CPD Member Directory for user validation and searching
  • Ability to publicise CPD certified events on industry Event Calendar
  • Administration of delegate CPD certificates post activity

Frequently Asked Questions

What is accredited CPD training?

External validation demonstrates to attendees the steps taken to deliver the highest possible training standards. The CPD Certification Service provides independent CPD accreditation compatible with international requirements. Our CPD symbols are recognised in over 100+ countries and offer professional bodies, institutional associations, educational providers and consumers reassurance that further learning achieves the qualitative standards required by all parties.

How are training and events assessed?

The accreditation process takes an impartial and objective overview of the structure and value of training materials to ensure full conformity to international CPD industry benchmarks and guidelines. CPD is reviewed and assessed against the universally accepted and structured checklist which The CPD Certification Service has developed over the past 25+ years.

What is the process of gaining CPD certification?

CPD certification is a straightforward process and follows an intentionally practical method that has been continuously developed over the past few decades. Certification is focused on providing the highest standards of Continuing Professional Development learning for delegates and attendees. Each CPD training course or event is benchmarked against a proven assessment criteria to ensure the required standards are met across a number of key areas.

How does the Delegate Certificate Service (DCS) work?

The Delegate Certificate Service (DCS) is a membership feature available to all CPD providers at no additional cost designed to save time and cost when administering post-training attendance certificates. The CPD Certification Service provides certificates of attendance for organisations ranging from small consultancy firms to large training providers, multi-national corporations, conference & event organisers, universities, further education colleges, local authorities, councils and Government departments.

See more FAQs


CPD has helped Garland UK maintain a proactive approach to learning, working with industry peers and innovators to share and learn.


The support we have received from The CPD Service in the development of our CPD events has been excellent; it really ensures we keep the quality of events high.

British Medical Association

Our CPD seminar proved very worthwhile, winning an order worth £350k. Our aim was to meet & introduce our products to industry professionals, which is exactly what we did.

FP McCann