CPD Courses

Coaching Mastery Academy - Online Training Course

Online Course Amanda Brenkley

About the CPD course

The Coaching Mastery Academy is an educational training which specialises in professional coaching training and development. It offers a comprehensive program and resources to help individuals become proficient and certified coaches. Learning is provided through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills; participants learn effective coaching techniques; communication strategies; and ethical principles. This training focuses on empowering aspiring coaches with the expertise and confidence needed to guide clients towards personal and professional growth.

CPD Provider

Amanda Brenkley

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Amanda Brenkley

Amanda Brenkley

I help business owners to reframe their thinking and create transformational change to achieve the success they aspire to possess. Attain personal empowerment and professional evolution with a fusion of coaching and therapeutic techniques focused on the head, heart and hands to master clarity, confidence and conviction in all areas of your life.

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