CPD Courses

Value Management

Online Course Baxter Thompson

About the CPD course

You've got a business case to present and you're wondering how best to pitch it. In fact; how do you know you've correctly identified the problem to solve for? Despite your best efforts are you still seen to be delivering late and below quality? We believe the potential to steer a clear path and avoid the common obstacles to progress lies within you and your team. That path is "D.A.M.A.C."™. “D”: Define Benefit; “A”: Align Outcomes; “M”: “Measure Outcomes; “A”: Analyse Root Cause; “C”: Continuous Improvement. Practicing the insight in these modules enables you to build credibility and get a seat at the Decision Maker’s table.

CPD Provider

Baxter Thompson

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Baxter Thompson

Baxter Thompson

Formed in 2009, Baxter Thompson Associates is a specialist senior advisory service based in the UK with a European client base. Led by Jon Baxter, the company has provided many public workshops, forums, custom corporate interventions and individual mentoring on strategic partnerships. 

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