CPD Courses

Heat Network Operation and Maintenance for the Housing Sector

Training Course Chirpy Heat

About the CPD course

Heat networks will be crucial to achieving net zero carbon in housing. The Government has introduced new regulations and supported large-scale investment in network improvement and expansion. This course is designed to help housing associations; local authorities and housing management organisations to deliver the vision of low cost; low carbon and reliable heat. It will help participants to understand more about heat networks and to become better clients for heat networks; through procurement; delivery; operation and maintenance. It will help people feel more confident and give them the tools to manage heat network supply chains and contractors effectively.

CPD Provider

Chirpy Heat

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Chirpy Heat

Chirpy Heat

Chirpy Heat are experts in heat networks. Our vision is to deliver simply better heat networks. For clients, for customers and for the low carbon future. We are the leading independent and impartial advisor to heat network operators aiming to deliver great heat networks, particularly for social housing providers. Our knowledge will ensure that your heat networks are compliant, cost effective and easier to manage

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Chirpy Heat

Heat networks will be crucial to achieving net zero carbon in housing. The Government has introduced...
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