Coram Life Education's comprehensive One-day RSE training course supports teachers at all levels; empowering them to deliver effective Relationships and Sex Education that meets statutory requirements. Designed for primary schools but adaptable for SEND settings; the training provides guidance on curriculum content; boosts confidence; and equips teachers with strategies to engage parents and discuss the new statutory obligations. Praised for its interactive format and clarity on OFSTED expectations; this transformative experience is a must-attend for PSHE leads and whole-staff teams seeking to improve their RSE provision.
Coram Life Education (CLE) is the UK’s leading charity provider of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and we have 35 years’ experience delivering memorable, engaging wellbeing education programmes for pupils. CLE provide high-quality, evidence-informed training for individual teachers, whole-staff groups and multi-school groups. Our specialist training covers all aspects of Relationships and Health Education, including the statutory and non-statutory elements of sex education. CLE also provide training for your wider PSHE curriculum, including Early Years.