CPD Courses

Undertaking Mental Capacity Assessments and Best Interests Decisions

Training Course Costain MCA Consultancy

About the CPD course

Half day training course to support Health and Social Care Providers to implement and understand their statutory responsibilities when undertaking mental capacity assessments and best interests decision making. The session will include information on legislation and its practical application.

CPD Provider

Costain MCA Consultancy

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Costain MCA Consultancy

Costain MCA Consultancy

Costain MCA Consultancy is owned by Lisa Sheridan. Lisa has 40 years experience in Nursing, Midwifery and Health and Social Care. For the past 15 years, Lisa has specialised in the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, working for Local Authority and with Health and Social Care providers. Costain MCA Consultancy specialises in supporting Health and Social Care Providers to gain knowledge and understanding of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, as well as supporting implementation, in order to gain confidence in meeting statutory duties under legislation for vulnerable adults  

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