CPD Courses

Leadership Resilience and Sustainability Management Executive Programme

Training Course Everest Business Consulting

About the CPD course

The Leadership Resilience and Sustainable Management Executive Programme presents an advanced curriculum that delves into the core aspects of resilient leadership; sustainable business practices; and the challenges of modern management in an ever-evolving business landscape. This program is meticulously designed to equip forward-thinking executives; emerging leaders; and proactive professionals with the essential skills to lead with resilience; implement sustainable management strategies; and effectively respond to the dynamic demands of the global business environment.

CPD Provider

Everest Business Consulting

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Everest Business Consulting

Everest Business Consulting

Everest Business Consulting Ltd. is a UK-based professional education provider specialising in executive programmes, corporate training, and workshops tailored for SMEs and start-ups. Offering top-tier business consulting services, they focus on economic growth and organisational transformation. Their programmes enhance business management and strategic execution, delivered through live online and in-person formats using advanced techniques. Everest is dedicated to transforming human resources into invaluable human capital for sustainable economic progress

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