CPD Courses
Financial Appraisals and Commercial Assessment for Residential Development
Training Course • Future of London
About the CPD course
This day and a half course is for mid to senior staff who are experienced at running financial appraisals but want to develop their knowledge base to cover more complex viability modelling. This course will build on the fundamentals of understanding how viability modelling works; covering the more complex key skills around how different tenures impact viability and how assumptions change the outputs. In this course will also look at market trends; benchmarks and more complex scheme delivery structures. Attendees will have the opportunities to adapt a financial appraisal using a bespoke model built for the course.
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Future of London
Future of London helps build better cities through knowledge, networks and leadership – across disciplines, organisations and sectors. We are the Capital’s independent network for regeneration, housing, infrastructure and economic development practitioners, with 5,000+ professionals using FoL as a hub for sector intelligence, connection and professional development, and a mandate to prepare the next generation of cross-sector city leaders.
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