This Safeguarding Adults Level 3 course is for those who work with vulnerable adults in a lead safeguarding role. This online Safeguarding course is designed to help those who work in a lead safeguarding role to understand their responsibilities; keep up to date with the relevant legislation and know how safeguarding issues can be prevented. The course will look at safer recruitment; what to do if you see or hear a safeguarding issue; the steps to reporting an issue and how to document any concern. This Level 3 course also looks at what happens after a safeguarding referral is made.
MoreCPD provides a diverse range of self-led, online training courses to individuals and businesses in topics such as health and safety, food safety, mental health, safeguarding, care and business. With our user-tested E-Learning platform, MoreCPD provides the best possible online learning experience by allowing learners to study at their own pace, from anywhere at any time. Created from the ground up by trained instructors with learners in mind, our platform offers an excellent experience with superior learning outcomes. We are proud to say that we work with a wide range of UK organisations and charities to provide them and their staff with quality learning their way.