The Credit Broker Journey course provides an overview what is required when brokering finance to consumers in the regulated arena. Learners both new to brokering and those of a more senior position will know what is meant by credit brokerage; understand their role and responsibilities; be taken through the types of finance agreements they are brokering and learn how to achieve good customer outcomes and avoid bad outcomes for their customers.
My Compliance Academy provide online training for Sales & Compliance staff, as well as Senior Managers and Directors, to ensure everyone receives appropriate compliance training, a key requirement of the (FCA) Financial Conduct Authority’s regulations.
Our e-learning modules & courses are affordable and easy to sign-up to, so you can get started with your compliance training immediately.
We are also able to offer bespoke FCA compliance training for individuals and teams which can be hosted virtually, off-site or onsite to best suit your needs and to ensure you remain compliant.