CPD Courses

Understanding and Responding to Sexual Violence

Training Course Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Rape Crisis South London)

About the CPD course

A face-to-face training course supporting multi-agency professionals to respond to disclosures of sexual violence from a model of best practice. This course progresses through an exploration of the social context of sexual violence; key legal definitions and a model of empowerment for supporting survivors. We can also deliver this course remotely over Zoom.

CPD Provider

Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Rape Crisis South London)

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Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Rape Crisis South London)

Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (Rape Crisis South London)

Rape Crisis South London (RASASC) is an independent organisation supporting women and girls aged 4+ who live, work or study in South London and have survived any form of sexual violence at any time in their lives. Our training programme is informed by over three decades of front-line experience and is delivered by specialist practitioners. We can offer training on understanding and responding to sexual violence to any teams that come into contact with survivors of sexual violence – this might include those in the health, education, criminal justice, and/or voluntary sectors. We can offer training of a variety of lengths and can tailor this to suit the needs of teams and organisations.

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