CPD Courses
Sports Chaplaincy UK Mental Health Two Day Training Course
Training Course • Sports Chaplaincy UK
About the CPD course
2 Day Mental Health training for any potential or current sports chaplains who are looking to be upskilled in Mental Health Awareness; specifically depression and suicide. Sports Chaplaincy UK Mental Health Two Day Training Course 2 Day Mental Health training for any potential or current sports chaplains who are looking to be upskilled in Mental Health Awareness; specifically depression and suicide. Sports Chaplaincy UK Mental Health Two Day Training Course 2 Day Mental Health training for any potential or current sports chaplains who are looking to be upskilled in Mental Health Awareness specifically depression and suicide.
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Sports Chaplaincy UK
We here at Sports Chaplaincy UK have a dream to see an expression of God’s love and compassion practically demonstrated in every community called Sport. Sports Chaplaincy UK have a big heart and a big vision to embrace the World of Sport knowing we are making a positive contribution and impact across each of our Home Nations.Want to learn more?
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