CPD Courses

Programa formativo online Agricultura Regenerativa 360º

Online Course The Regen Academy

About the CPD course

The Programa formativo Agricultura Regenerativa 360° is an online program that instructs on managing a farm in line with regenerative agriculture principles; utilizing The Regen 360º methodology developed by The Regen Academy. Drawing from over 10 years of diverse global farm experience; it covers production; design; regulations; business planning; equipment management; and marketing. Expert guidance is provided throughout; ensuring practical learning. Participants gain essential knowledge and create tailored farm diagnostics and roadmaps. Learning by doing is emphasized; with hands-on farm application. Graduates emerge equipped not only with knowledge but also with personalized strategies for farm advancement.

CPD Provider

The Regen Academy

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The Regen Academy

The Regen Academy

Training and consultancy to help create and manage a profitable and sustainable agricultural business following a method that works and with the support of a team with years of real experience in regenerative agriculture.

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