CPD Courses

Bespoke Public Speaking Coaching Programme

Training Course FROM:TODAY

About the CPD course

Our Programme goes beyond presentation skills and is tailored to your needs. We won’t tell you how to stand; what to do with your hands or how to sound. We’ll go deeper. We’ll help you embrace your unique qualities; equipping you with the techniques and confidence to celebrate them in the public arena. Together we’ll explore how to speak with purpose; truly connect with and inspire your audiences. Whether preparing for a pitch; speech or presentation; or looking to connect with your team and clients more effectively; every day; we’ll help you and make you feel great in the process.

CPD Provider


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Make your organisation a place where people belong, grow and do their best work. Poor talent retention, decreasing engagement levels and burnout are more prevalent now than ever. But when your people are happy, collaborative, and united behind a shared purpose you’ll make more profit each year. For this, you need strong leadership and the very best communication. This is what we do.

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