CPD Courses

Principles of Sound & Energy Healing – The Thyme With Charlie® Method

Training Course Thyme with Charlie

About the CPD course

A comprehensive exploration of therapeutic sound & energy healing. You’ll delve into the world of sound; healing & ascension; exploring history; techniques & how to incorporate sound into healing sessions. You'll explore the fundamentals of sound; soul level chakras; energetic anatomy; intuitive skills while developing your connection to your higher power. We cover practical aspects of energy work; healing applications & business guidance. Addressing limiting beliefs; hypnotherapy basics & the power of effectively guiding clients to their place of healing. You'll also focus on group sessions & personal spiritual practices. Assessment involves delivering a one-on-one & group sound healing sessions.

CPD Provider

Thyme with Charlie

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Thyme with Charlie

Thyme with Charlie

Sound Healing Academy, based in Dubai.

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