Informal disciplinary conversations aren’t part of an organisation’s formal disciplinary procedure; but they can be a very effective way of tackling issues at an early stage before they become more serious. They can be particularly useful when dealing with relatively minor issues; such as poor timekeeping; excessive chatting or phone use; or inappropriate use of social media. The focus is always on finding a solution and helping the employee to improve; rather than on imposing sanctions. Combining dramatised scenarios with best-practice guidance and key legal advice; this short course provides a quick-reference step-by-step guide to having an informal disciplinary conversation with an employee and ensuring a positive outcome for both the individual concerned and the business as a whole.
We are a creative and driven team working hard each day to reinvent the impact that compliance tools and training can make.
Too many businesses are using boring, tedious and cumbersome processes to train their staff and maintain compliance. We know you can do better, and to prove it, we have been developing the compliance training, tools and resources to help any organisation of any size to change the status quo. VinciWorks offers compliance training, software and resources relating to ESG, anti-money laundering, GDPR and data protection, anti-bribery, sanctions and more. We exist to cover every organisation's compliance needs.