CPD Courses

Heating for Health

Training Course Yorkshire Energy Doctor

About the CPD course

This course will equip attendees to identify and help households whose homes may be too cold for their health and well-being. It specifically responds to the recommendations of NICE Guideline 6 regarding the roles of health and social care practitioners in mitigating the health risks from cold homes and will cover; Identifying people at risk of ill health from living in a cold home; Making every contact count by asking people about keeping safe and well at home; Helping people whose homes may be too cold.

CPD Provider

Yorkshire Energy Doctor

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Yorkshire Energy Doctor

Yorkshire Energy Doctor

We are based in North Yorskshire and advise on anything to do with energy, whether it is understanding energy bills, advice on the forthcoming price rises, dealing with energy debts, financial grants, schemes for energy efficiency improvements, energy saving tips, the Priority Services Register and help with water bills. Our overall mission is to improve physical health and mental well-being through making homes warmer and energy bills more affordable.

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