Baseera Second Low Vison Conference- New Heights for VIP Lifestyle
12 Feb 2025
About the event
Baseera is aiming to have 2 days conference on the 12th and 13th of February 2025. The conference will be divided into 4 sectors; Genetics and Medical (Supervised by Dr Mostafa El Sherbini): - Dr Elias Traboulsi (Paediatric Ophthalmologist & Geneticist. Cleavland Clinic; USA) - Dr Zi Bing Jin (Virtual session) (Vice president- Beijing Tongren Hospital) - Dr Bart Leory (Professor Ghent University Hospital) Rehabilitation - Dr Lotfi Merabet (Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School) - Rehabilitation Specialist from Visio - Mme Doaa Mabrouk (Managing Director) Low Vision: - Dr Henry Greene (Co- founder and President of Ocutech; Optometrist) - Dr P. Vijayalakshmi (is the Chief Medical Consultant of Paediatric Ophthalmology & Adult Strabismus clinic and also Chief of Vision Rehabilitation Centre at Madurai. One of the founder members of Aravind Eye Care) - Low Vision Specialist from Visio The Use of New Technology - Mr. Mohamed Samy ( Managing Director- SAP Egypt) - Mr Michael SAP-UAE - Someone from Microsoft or IBM (Tentative).
CPD Provider
Baseera Foundation for People with Visual Impairment
Baseera Foundation for People with Visual Impairment
To become a sustainable organization promoting the total inclusion of the visually impaired to become fully independent, proactive & productive members of an accepting society.