Autism Parenting Magazine - CPD Member Case Study

Autism Parenting Magazine - CPD Member Case Study

31 May 2024

Autism Parenting Magazine

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We have been asking our members from across the industries the reasons why they became a CPD provider. This CPD Member case study was provided by Autism Parenting Magazine. For more information, please visit their CPD Member Directory page.

Please provide us with a brief overview of your organisation. What do you do? 

Autism Parenting Magazine provide courses and a monthly publication to help parents, professionals and caregivers of autistic children.

Why did you become a CPD provider?

To enable professionals to learn new techniques on working with autistic children and get recognised for it.

How did you implement CPD accreditation in your organisation?

We developed a set of learning objects aligned with the needs of the autism community. We then built out the course with the goal of improving the quality of life for autistic children. It involved tracking how many hours of training were attended and developing a quiz.

How has CPD helped your organisation achieve its learning objectives?

It gave much more structure about how we deliver content and helps us to think with the end in mind.

We hope this brief CPD Member Case Study was both interesting and helpful. Please go to the Autism Parenting Magazine CPD Member profile page for more on their available CPD. Alternatively, please visit the CPD Industry Hubs to find courses, events and articles relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

CPD accreditation for training and events

Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the world's leading and largest Continuing Professional Development accreditation organisation working across all sectors. If you are a training provider or educational events organisers, your learning activities may be suitable for CPD accreditation. Please visit our become a CPD provider page or contact our team to discuss your training and events in more detail.

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Autism Parenting Magazine

Autism Parenting Magazine

For more information from Autism Parenting Magazine, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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