Can CPD Benefit Fire Safety?

Can CPD Benefit Fire Safety?

10 Jan 2020

CPD News Team

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Fire safety in the workplace is a hot topic and of utmost importance to any building. If working environments fail to implement robust fire safety strategies, they could potentially face devastating consequences such as property being destroyed and personnel coming to serious harm or injury.

Effective fire safety training enables workers to identify risks, eliminate fire hazards and plan prompt and efficient evacuation if a fire does break out. Without the correct guidance, a small flame can quickly escalate into an out-of-control blaze. Everyone is at risk if there is a fire, so it is imperative that companies comply with all building regulations to guarantee maximum safety of their employees and full protection of the building.

Individuals responsible for fire safety should provide in-depth training to colleagues so that they are aware of fire hazards, able to conduct risk assessments and respond quickly and methodically if a fire occurs. Depending on the size of the organisation, some workers may be exposed to greater threats because of their working situation. This could be somebody that carries out their day-to-day duties on their own in a separate area of the workplace or because they are not aware of the dangers associated with the likes of chemicals and machinery.

The London Fire Brigade (LFB) highlights the importance of regular fire training. “Fire safety training should start with induction training on the first day and continue in the form of regular refresher training.” Building owners, managers and individuals responsible for maintaining up-to-date fire safety risk assessments and ensuring everyone is familiar with fire safety and evacuation plans should also invest in Continuing Professional Development.

Known as CPD, this self-motivated learning process centres around varied learning activities and experiences to develop knowledge and understanding. When it comes to fire safety, knowledge has the power to save lives. CPD is essential to make sure that the information you pass on is up to date and relevant. A wealth of fire safety courses are available which cover many different facets of fire safety that are easily overlooked such as emergency lighting and access and means of escape for the disabled.

Any activity or experience that can be linked to the effective delivery of fire safety training is a valid source of CPD evidence. Development could be anything from attending a conference to reading a journal to creating non-fire-related risk assessments in activities outside of your normal working environment. Your personal improvement is unique to you, so it is important to plan, monitor and reflect on your CPD. This will enable a thorough evaluation of the learning experience and whether or not it has proved to be productive.

The value of an individual with comprehensive knowledge of fire safety cannot be overstated. Their worth is emphasised by the CPD Certification Service who state that “they bring invaluable protection to companies as they give employees firstly the awareness to prevent fires, and secondly protect themselves and other employees from burning buildings.” Along with saving lives, they can also save businesses from costly and potentially irreparable damage.

Investing your time in CPD will generate exceptional opportunities for professional development as along with your fire safety understanding, you will also enhance key skills such as communication and the ability to remain calm under pressure. Fire safety should always be taken seriously and will contribute significantly to a safer working environment.

We hope this article helps, please visit the CPD explained for more information or go to the CPD Industry Hubs for courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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