CPD Mental Health First Aid Courses

CPD Mental Health First Aid Courses

09 Sep 2021

CPD News Team

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Appointing someone in the workforce to take charge of first aid is a requirement for most workplaces, as it is important that someone can administer basic first aid when necessary. Recently, mental health in the workplace has become a more prominent topic. As well as enrolling on a first aid training course, enrolling yourself in some CPD mental health first aid courses is becoming just as important. 

CPD Mental Health First Aid Courses

Ensuring your staff or colleagues are supported when it comes to mental health is extremely important. Not only can this lead to a positive work environment, but it can offer people support when they may need it the most. 

Why should I take a mental health first aid course?

As an employer, it may be that you want to enrol yourself or members of your team on the course, so you are able to gain an understanding of various mental health issues, how to spot the signs that someone may be suffering and how you can help someone who is experiencing mental health problems. By undertaking mental health first aid courses, you can start to understand various scenarios and how you can potentially prevent mental health concerns that directly result from work-based issues.

As an employee or a prospective employee, enrolling on various mental health first aid courses can add another desirable skill to your CV and help build your awareness surrounding mental health and how you can take care of yourself and your colleagues whilst at work.

Completing mental health first aid courses may even help you to put new systems in place at your current work to ensure your workforce is doing everything they can to support those who are currently struggling and minimise the risk of poor mental health in the future.

Benefits of completing a mental health first aid course

Suppose your job currently involves taking care of people or working closely with people. In that case, understanding mental health and how this can affect people differently will most likely be beneficial and give you better communication skills.

The more people who are aware of mental health in your workplace, the more the stigma is reduced. You will promote an open, transparent environment where staff members feel comfortable coming to work and voicing their feelings. 

What do you learn on a mental health first aid course?

Depending on the specific course you choose, you’ll probably cover a range of topics such as; how to support someone who is currently suffering from a mental health problem, certain behaviours and how these link to mental health, and what to do in the time of a crisis. Some mental health first aid courses offer further learning or advanced workshops, so you are able to specialise in this area and potentially add this to your job role. 

CPD for mental health first aid courses

Why complete a CPD mental health first aid course?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development, and is the term used to describe the learning activities individuals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities. At The CPD Certification Service we have a number of CPD providers that offer mental health CPD courses.

If you are looking for other types of training and courses, you can view all of the different CPD courses available from our providers here, or just use the search function to filter by specific keywords or phrases to find the right learning and training for you.

CPD accreditation for your mental health first aid courses

We hope this article was helpful. The CPD Certification Service have 25 years' experience helping organisations to formalise training and events suitable for Continuing Professional Development requirements. If you are a training provider looking for CPD accreditation for your mental health first aid courses please go to our become a CPD training provider or contact our team to discuss in more detail.

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