Find Excel online courses for your CPD

Find Excel online courses for your CPD

14 Jul 2021

CPD News Team

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This article provides a brief introduction to Excel online courses for CPD. It explains what Excel is and how it works, outlining some of the key benefits of undertaking CPD to develop these skills to support your career and Continuing Professional Development.

What is Excel?

Excel is a spreadsheet software program created by Microsoft, which is helpful to use for data analysis, tables and documentation along with a variety of other business requirements. Excel is a part of the Microsoft Office suites and is compatible with other applications within the suites. The spreadsheet software is available for Windows, macOS, Android and iOS platforms.

Microsoft Excel is structured by using columns and rows, and data is organised in cells which makes it easy to read, structure, analyse and utilise in different formats for a whole range of different purposes. Among a variety of functions, it enables users to modify data, create formulas, macro program, do calculations, and create graphs, charts and pivot tables.

What is Excel used for?

The versatility of Excel is a key benefit.  It is extremely flexible to manage information in various ways and to suit different requirements. It allows users to work with text and numbers with ease in a logical and structured approach.

Excel is used often for business and financial related work. The ability of Excel to create sales graphs, financial models, quarterly forecasts, and annual reports is highly valued. Excel can also be used to manage projects, contact lists, invoice scheduling, programming, and accounting - and can provide statistical analysis in the process. The formulas and graphs available in Excel can help put the data into an easy to read and understandable visual representation.

Basic use of Excel does not necessarily require specialist training if you are broadly familiar with IT software. However, to fully make the most of the capabilities of Excel, there are huge benefits in completing specific Excel CPD training - either through online courses or classroom face to face.

The Benefits of Excel online CPD courses

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage in to develop and enhance their abilities throughout their career. CPD offers a holistic approach towards ongoing improvement that can directly enhance knowledge and skills in the use of Excel.

CPD learning can also be a cost-effective option for many organisations and individuals looking to upskill their understanding and application of Excel. This is often especially beneficial for smaller organisations or individuals who cannot afford to invest in expensive, bespoke training programmes. There is more reading on the benefits of CPD for small businesses in our previous article here.

Where to find Excel online CPD courses?

The CPD Certification Service works with a wide range of providers offering accredited CPD learning which may be beneficial to individuals and organisations looking to develop their knowledge of Excel. All courses and training on our website have been reviewed, recognised and certified for meeting the required industry standards.

Within the CPD Courses Catalogue, there are a comprehensive number of Excel related online courses, educational events, eLearning programs, workshops and seminars. These cover the full range of Excel learning – from understanding the basics of the software to specific training courses tailored for fields that use Excel intensively, such as Accountancy and HR.

To find out more about a particular CPD course listed on our website, complete an enquiry form and the details will be sent directly to the relevant CPD provider.

How to become an accredited CPD provider

We hope this article was helpful. Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the world’s leading and largest CPD accreditation organisation working across all industry sectors. If you are looking to provide training courses, seminars, workshops, eLearning or educational events that may be suitable for Continuing Professional Development, please visit the Become a CPD Provider page or contact our team to discuss in more detail.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a free online CPD record tool to help manage, track and log your ongoing learning, as well as store your professional training records and attendance certificates in one simple place, go to the myCPD Portal page.

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