Holden Knight Healthcare - CPD Member Case Study

Holden Knight Healthcare - CPD Member Case Study

06 Nov 2023

Holden Knight Healthcare

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We have been asking our members from across the industries the reasons why they became a CPD provider. This CPD Member case study was provided by Magdalena Jalocha, Training Manager at Holden Knight Healthcare. For more information, please visit their CPD Member Directory page.

Please provide us with a brief overview of your organisation. What do you do?

At Holden Knight Healthcare, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare solutions that empower care homes and children's homes to deliver exceptional care while fostering professional growth through training. With a mission to enhance the quality of care and well-being for vulnerable individuals, we offer staffing solutions and a wide range of training programs. We understand the critical importance of having qualified, compassionate, and dedicated professionals in care homes and children's homes.

Holden Knight Healthcare specializes in providing highly skilled and trained staff, including nurses, healthcare assistants, support workers mental health support workers and crisis support workers. Our staff members are meticulously selected, ensuring they meet the highest standards of care, integrity, and professionalism.

We are committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of our services, from staffing solutions to training programs. We understand that providing care is not just a job; it's a calling. Our team embodies compassion and empathy, ensuring that individuals in care receive the attention and support they deserve. We believe that investing in the professional development of caregivers is essential.

Why did you become a CPD provider?

I became a CPD (Continuing Professional Development) provider for several reasons:

1. Passion for Education: I have a deep passion for education and believe in the transformative power of learning. Becoming a CPD provider allows me to contribute to the growth and development of professionals in various fields.

2. Expertise and Knowledge: I possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in my specific field, which I want to share with others to help them advance in their careers and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

3. Commitment to Lifelong Learning: I am committed to the idea of lifelong learning and understand the importance of ongoing professional development. By offering CPD programs, I can support individuals in their journey of continuous improvement.

4. Addressing Skills Gaps: I recognize the need for individuals to acquire new skills and competencies in an ever-evolving job market. As a CPD provider, I can offer courses and resources to bridge these skills gaps and keep professionals competitive.

5. Giving Back: I see becoming a CPD provider as a way to give back to my community and industry. It's an opportunity to empower others with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in their careers.

6. Personal Growth: Being a CPD provider also provides an avenue for my personal growth and development. It challenges me to stay current and refine my own expertise, ensuring that I continue to evolve as an educator and professional.

In summary, I became a CPD provider because of my passion for education, the desire to share my expertise, a commitment to lifelong learning, the need to address skills gaps, the opportunity to give back, and the personal growth it offers. This role allows me to make a meaningful impact on the professional development of others and contribute to the betterment of our industries.

How did you implement CPD accreditation in your organisation?

Implementing CPD (Continuing Professional Development) accreditation in my organization requires careful planning and execution. Here is a statement outlining the steps and considerations for implementing CPD accreditation:

To implement CPD accreditation in my organization, we recognize the importance of supporting the ongoing professional development of our members and ensuring they have access to high-quality educational opportunities. We are committed to establishing a robust CPD accreditation program that adheres to best practices and meets the needs of our members. The following steps will guide our implementation process:

1. Needs Assessment: We will conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the specific professional development needs and preferences of our members. This will help us tailor our CPD accreditation program to their requirements.

2. Define Accreditation Criteria: We will establish clear and comprehensive criteria for CPD activities, ensuring they align with our organization's mission and the industry's standards. This criteria will include objectives, content quality, evaluation methods, and the number of CPD hours required.

3. Curriculum Development: We will work closely with subject matter experts and educators to develop a diverse and relevant curriculum that covers a wide range of topics and skills. This curriculum will cater to the varying needs of our members.

4. Accreditation Process: We will design a transparent and efficient accreditation process that providers can follow to submit their CPD activities for approval. This process will include documentation, peer review, and evaluation against our accreditation criteria.

5. Member Communication: Clear and consistent communication with our members is vital. We will inform them about the new CPD accreditation program, its benefits, and the steps they need to take to maintain their professional development.

6. Accreditation Review Board: We will establish an Accreditation Review Board consisting of experts in the field. This board will be responsible for evaluating and approving CPD activities, ensuring they meet our standards.

7. Tracking and Reporting: We will implement a tracking system to help our members monitor their CPD progress and maintain records of completed activities. Regular reporting will also be part of the system to keep members informed of their CPD status.

8. Continuous Improvement: We will continuously assess and improve our CPD accreditation program by seeking feedback from members, providers, and the Accreditation Review Board. This feedback will enable us to refine our criteria and processes to meet evolving needs.

9. Recognition and Certification: We will establish a certification process for members who successfully complete the required CPD activities. This recognition will highlight their commitment to professional development and compliance with our organization's standards.

10. Evaluation and Adaptation: Periodic evaluations will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of our CPD accreditation program. Based on the results, we will make necessary adjustments and enhancements to better serve our members and the industry.

By following these steps and maintaining a commitment to excellence and responsiveness to the changing needs of our members, we are confident that our CPD accreditation program will become a valuable resource for their professional growth and development.

How has CPD helped your organisation achieve its learning objectives?

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) significantly contribute to helping my organization achieve its learning objectives in the following ways:

1. Skills Enhancement: CPD programs provide opportunities for our employees to acquire new skills and competencies. By participating in relevant CPD activities, our workforce can continuously develop their skill set and stay up-to-date with industry best practices.

2. Knowledge Expansion: CPD encourages employees to broaden their knowledge base. Access to high-quality CPD content and resources allows them to explore new areas of expertise, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of their field. 

3. Compliance and Certification: Many industries require professionals to maintain certification or licensure through CPD. Implementing CPD in our organization helps our employees meet these regulatory requirements, ensuring they remain qualified and legally compliant.

4. Performance Improvement: CPD programs are designed to enhance job performance. By engaging in CPD activities, our employees can become more effective in their roles, leading to improved productivity, innovation, and overall job satisfaction.

5. Adaptation to Change: In today's rapidly changing business environment, organizations must adapt quickly. CPD fosters a culture of adaptability, enabling our workforce to embrace change and stay agile in response to evolving industry trends.

6. Personal Growth and Motivation: CPD can be a source of personal growth and motivation for our employees. They are more likely to feel engaged and motivated when they have opportunities for continuous learning and professional development.

7. Talent Retention and Attraction: Offering CPD opportunities demonstrates our commitment to employee growth, which can help retain existing talent and attract new, highly skilled professionals who are seeking a supportive learning environment.

8. Improved Employee Morale: When employees feel supported in their professional development, their morale and job satisfaction tend to increase. This positive attitude can lead to better teamwork, communication, and overall organizational culture.

9. Innovation and Competitive Advantage: CPD can foster innovation within our organization. Employees exposed to new ideas and trends can bring fresh perspectives and innovative solutions, giving us a competitive advantage in our industry.

10. Measurable Progress: CPD often involves tracking and documentation of learning activities. This enables us to assess employees' progress and provides valuable data for performance evaluations and career development discussions.

11. Customization and Flexibility: CPD allows for customization to meet our organization's specific learning objectives. We can tailor CPD programs to align with our strategic goals, ensuring that the learning outcomes directly support our business objectives.

12. Networking Opportunities: CPD often involves participation in conferences, workshops, and events. These networking opportunities can lead to valuable connections and collaborations that benefit our organization

In summary, implementing CPD in our organization is a strategic and holistic approach to achieving our learning objectives. It equips our workforce with the skills, knowledge, and motivation they need to excel in their roles, adapt to changes, and contribute to our organization's overall success.

We hope this brief CPD Member Case Study was both interesting and helpful. Please go to the Holden Knight Healthcare CPD Member profile page for more on their available CPD. Alternatively, please visit the CPD Industry Hubs to find courses, events and articles relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

CPD accreditation for training and events

Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service is the world's leading and largest Continuing Professional Development accreditation organisation working across all sectors. If you are a training provider or educational events organisers, your learning activities may be suitable for CPD accreditation. Please visit our become a CPD provider page or contact our team to discuss your training and events in more detail.

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Holden Knight Healthcare

Holden Knight Healthcare

For more information from Holden Knight Healthcare, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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