Nail Health Tips at Home: Maintaining Strong and Beautiful Nails

Nail Health Tips at Home: Maintaining Strong and Beautiful Nails

24 Jun 2024

The Nail Art Academy

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This informal CPD article, ‘Nail Health Tips at Home: Maintaining Strong and Beautiful Nails,’ was provided by Dinupa Jayasooriya, founder of the Nail Art Academy, an experienced instructor and teacher who mentors aspiring young Nail Fashion designers, sharing her knowledge and fostering the development of aspiring artists.

Nail Health Tips at Home

A vital component of personal grooming, healthy nails also indicate general wellness. Though visits to the nail salon are enjoyable, it is more economical and sensible to keep your nails healthy at home. Here is some all-inclusive advice to help you maintain gorgeous and healthy nails.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

Diet affects nails. Nail health requires a vitamin-rich diet. Since nails are formed of keratin, pork, beans, and nuts provide vital proteins. Nail strength and growth depend on vitamins A, B, C, and E, zinc, and iron. To nourish your nails, eat leafy greens, eggs, berries, and full grains.

Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential for nail moisture equilibrium. Dehydration causes dry, brittle nails. Daily water intake moisturises nails and cuticles. A humidifier can help your skin and nails stay moist during dry seasons.

Practice Proper Nail Hygiene

Dirt and bacteria don't build up beneath your nails when they are routinely cleaned and trimmed. To clean your nails, use a soft nail brush and stay away from possibly dangerous sharp things. To stop snags and breakage, trim your nails straight across and slightly round the tips. A constant nail length lowers the possibility of splits and stress.

Moisturize Your Nails and Cuticles

Like skin, nails and cuticles need frequent moisturization. Keep hands and cuticles moisturised with a cream or oil. Find goods with jojoba, almond, or shea butter. Massage the oil or cream into your nails and cuticles regularly to boost blood flow and nail growth.

Protect Your Nails

Steer clear of strong chemicals and too much water. When conducting home duties, such washing dishes or cleaning, wear gloves to protect your nails from water and detergents. Long-term water contact weakens nails and increases their risk of breaking. Choose gentle, non-acetone nail polish removers as acetone can be very drying.

Give Your Nails a Break

Nail paint worn all the time can weaken and discolour your nails. Give your nails a vacation from polishing so they can breathe and heal. Over this break, concentrate on nourishing oils and strengthening treatments. If you like having your nails painted, think about going with breathable nail paint brands that let moisture and air through.

File Nails Correctly

Part of maintaining your nails is filing them, but it has to be done carefully to prevent damage. With a fine-grit nail file, file in one direction only—back and forth filing might split the file. To prevent over-filing, which weakens nails, shape them softly.

Avoid Using Nails as Tools

Your nails may break or split if you use them for anything from peeling off stickers to opening cans. To save needless stress on your nails, always use the right instruments for such jobs.

Monitor Nail Changes

Look for any variations in your nails, such patches, ridges, or discolouration. These can indicate nutritional inadequacies or underlying medical problems. Seek further assessment from a medical practitioner if you observe enduring changes.

Strengthen with Natural Treatments

Think of using DIY nail masks or biotin supplements as natural remedies. A B-vitamin called biotin has been demonstrated to thicken nails and lessen brittleness. To further strengthen and brighten your nails, you can make healthy nail masks with components like honey, lemon juice, and coconut oil.

At-home nail health maintenance is easy with the correct materials and techniques. With this advice, you may have strong, attractive nails without always needing expert care. Remember that a balanced diet, staying hydrated and regular maintenance are the foundation of good nails. Maintaining your nails in the same way as the rest of your body will keep them looking beautiful and strong.

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The Nail Art Academy

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