Personalised Learning Pathways – How to Meet the Diverse Needs of Learners

Personalised Learning Pathways – How to Meet the Diverse Needs of Learners

17 May 2024

iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning

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This informal CPD article, ‘Personalised Learning Pathways – How to Meet the Diverse Needs of Learners’, was provided by iAM Learning, who are transforming the way your workforce trains and retains, using high-end animation, lovable characters and captivating stories to make even the most serious subjects appealing and unforgettable.

You’ve likely heard of ‘Learning Styles’ as a concept. They’ve been around for ages, and the claim is that every learner prefers a different ‘style’. For example, a ‘visual’ style means a learner prefers diagrams, charts and visual aids. You might have a preference for a particular way you want to learn, but it’s often in combination with something else.

We all supplement any ‘styles’ with others. Podcasts, online courses, getting hands-on. It’s a big, diverse melting pot, just like our workforce. A ‘one-size-fits-all fits all’ approach simply doesn’t work.

Personalised learning

So, what DOES work? Personalised Learning Pathways. This refers to the customises, flexible routes that learners can take to gain knowledge, skills and competencies on their individual needs and preferences. By embracing learning pathways, L&D professionals can create more personalised, effective learning experiences.

Here are some key points on how L&D professionals can tailor learning experiences to individual needs:

Conduct learner analysis: Gather insights into learners' prior knowledge, skills, goals, learning preferences, and any special requirements they may have. This analysis can be done through assessments, surveys, interviews, or data analysis.

Offer multiple ways for your people to learn: Provide a variety of learning formats such as instructor-led training, eLearning modules, interactivity, videos, podcasts, and others to cater to different learning preferences.

Implement adaptive learning technologies: Use adaptive learning platforms that can adjust the content, pace, and complexity of the learning experience based on the learner's performance, responses, and interactions.

Use instructional design that focuses on the learner:

  • Give assessments at the start to understand what the learners already know and what skills they need to develop.
  • Create hands-on activities and real-world scenarios that get learners actively involved and practising the concepts.
  • Offer ongoing feedback, coaching, and job aids to support learners throughout their journey.
  • Let learners choose their own path through the content based on their specific needs and interests, rather than forcing everyone through the same linear course.

Encourage self-directed learning: Empower learners to take ownership of their learning journey by providing access to curated learning resources, such as online libraries, communities, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities.

Offer personalised learning paths: Based on the learner analysis and assessments you’ve completed, create customised learning paths that align with individual goals, skill levels, and career aspirations.

Continuously monitor and adjust: Regularly evaluate learner progress, feedback, and performance data to refine and optimise the learning pathways and experiences.

By embracing these approaches, L&D professionals like you can create more engaging, relevant, and effective learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs of your learners, ultimately leading to better retention, application, and overall performance.

We hope this article was helpful. For more information from iAM Learning, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively, you can go to the CPD Industry Hubs for more articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning

iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning

For more information from iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning, please visit their CPD Member Directory page. Alternatively please visit the CPD Industry Hubs for more CPD articles, courses and events relevant to your Continuing Professional Development requirements.

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