What are energy blockages?

What are energy blockages?

05 Jun 2023


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This informal CPD article, 'What are energy blockages?’ was provided by InnerCamp, who work within the holistic health sector offering expert-led solutions to help you rediscover your inner force and stand strong in your foundation on both personal and professional levels.

What are energy blockages?

Energy blockages refer to blocks or interruptions in the flow of energy in the human body. It is believed that the human body has several energy centers known as chakras, which are responsible for the flow of energy. These chakras are located in different parts of the body and are connected by channels called meridians. This can be caused by several factors, such as stress, trauma, negative emotions, and physical ailments.

Energy blockages can have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being. Understanding and addressing these blockages can help us live a more balanced and fulfilling life. When the energy flow is blocked, it can lead to physical, emotional, and mental imbalances. It is important to note that energy blockages can manifest differently in different individuals. For some, it may manifest as physical pain or discomfort, while for others, it may manifest as emotional or mental distress.

How to clear emotional blockages?

As mentioned above, energy blockages occur in our chakras, which are energy centers located in different parts of the body that are responsible for the flow of energy. There are several chakras in the human body, and each is associated with different physical, emotional, and mental aspects of our being. Understanding and working with these chakras can help us achieve a more balanced and harmonious state of being.

Clear energy blockages to help wellbeing

When a chakra is "open," there’s little choice but to deal with the energy and the associated psychological material that’s flowing through it. Although it’s true that, to some extent, the greater the energy flow, the healthier we are, some of the energy gets stuck and can cause psychological or emotional pain. It’s for this reason that we shut down or "block" our chakras in the first place.

Here are some examples of what happens if energy is blocked in each chakra:

  • The Sahasrara chakra holds the energy that makes us feel a sense of connection to our higher selves, others, and life, and helps us maintain a sense of peace and wholeness regardless of what is going on in our environment.
  • The Ajna chakra is in charge of our ability to see and use our intuition.
  • The Vishuddha chakra, which is in charge of our ability to express ourselves.
  • The Anahata chakra is full of energy that makes us compassionate and able to love unconditionally.
  • The Manipura chakra represents the center of your personal strength, and when energy is blocked in this chakra, our sense of self-worth becomes disturbed.
  • The Svadhishthana chakra, often known as the pleasure center, is one of the emotional centers, and it influences people's feelings of their own self-worth and their attitude toward sexuality.
  • The Muladhara chakra has control over everything that has to do with surviving. This energetic area is responsible for the sensation of being grounded.

It is challenging to identify that one has an energy blockage. The most common regions to have energy blockages are around your pelvis and around your heart. To clear emotional blockages, it is important to first identify and acknowledge the root cause of the blockage. This can be done through therapy, self-reflection, meditation, breathwork, bodywork, yoga, acupuncture, or just journaling.

Once the root cause is identified, one can work on processing and healing the emotions associated with the blockage. This can be done through practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and emotional release techniques. Seeking the help of a mental health professional or holistic facilitator can also be beneficial for addressing and clearing energy blockages. No matter how you choose to work with energy blockages, always remember to “love” your energy blockages away.

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