What are Microblading CPD courses?

What are Microblading CPD courses?

08 Dec 2022

CPD News Team

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Microblading has grown to become a well-known beauty procedure and popular method in recent years due to the benefits of improving the thickness, shape, and definition of the eyebrows. In this CPD article, we will be outlining what microblading is and what the best microblading CPD courses are for beginners.

What is microblading?

Microblading, also known as microstroking or eyebrow embroidery, is a semi-permanent form of cosmetic tattooing which gives the effect of fuller eyebrows. Unlike traditional tattoos, which are created using a tattoo gun, microblading uses a blade-shaped tool which has small, barely visible needles. This creates strokes that resemble the natural hairs along a client’s brows.

A typical microblading session takes between 1.5 to 2 hours, and a short touch-up session is recommended a few weeks later. The pigment can last from 18 to 30 months depending on certain factors such as your skin type, lifestyle and the frequency of microblading touch-ups.

Why take a microblading CPD course?

Microblading has become one of the most popular and effective methods of cosmetic eyebrow tattooing in Europe and the USA, and new techniques are constantly being developed. A microblading CPD course can be a great option for those looking to expand their professional skills and knowledge. There are a wide range CPD training courses suitable for complete beginners, as well those with some experience in semi-permanent makeup who are looking to improve their skills and confidence to provide treatments to their own clients.

There is an increased chance to earn additional income, whilst creating a long lasting career with the hours you choose to work. A great benefit of a career in microblading is the flexibility around the hours you choose to work. This is a big bonus, especially if you have certain commitments which do not allow a typical 9-5 workday.

Whether you have taken a microblading course before or not, if you want to get started in the beauty and cosmetic industry, you will need to get hands-on experience. Typically, there are levels that you need to reach and you must put in enough practice hours. A high quality CPD course will provide the opportunity to gain practical experience in the latest techniques and topics to restore, improve and enhance natural brows.

Can I take a microblading course online?

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of microblading courses available, with many of these taking place entirely online. These are able to be set up virtually by a training team. The information you learn online from a qualified microblading instructor is similar as in-person training and can provide greater flexilibty than other methods of learning.

Online microblading courses can be completed through online lessons and quizzes, and practical work can be sent in virtually to the microblading instructor. In order to pass an online microblading course, you must make sure each lesson has been attended and typically must complete a final examination to receive your online training certificate.

What are the best microblading courses for beginners?

As the procedure has a lot of demand, a microblading course it is undoubtedly one of the best and fastest ways to setting up some credibility if you are a beginner in the industry. Professional microblading courses are in high demand in the beauty industry due to their ability to enhance career prospects. After successfully completing a microblading course, you will often receive a certificate for your attendance to prove the amount of further learning achieved.

As a beginner, it can be daunting as there is a vast array of courses available to choose from. You should try to ensure that any microblading course you choose is accredited by the relevant bodies in the aesthetics industry. Common topics include learning how to perform microblading treatments effectively, hygiene, different microblading techniques, and aftercare both for your client’s safety as well as your own.

Professional microblading courses for beginners

Where to find microblading CPD courses?

If you want more of an assurance that the training courses are going to be delivered at a high standard, then look for ones that have been CPD accredited by a recognised independent organisation. This will help to ensure that the course is not riddled with promotional sales materials and you can focus on retaining the maximum amount of information possible.

Within the Healthcare & Medical area of the CPD Courses Catalogue, there are thousands of training courses, events, conferences, workshops and seminars across a range of different topics. All of the courses and training listed in the catalogue on our website have been reviewed and recognised as meeting the industry standards and benchmarks.

How to become a CPD accredited training provider

We hope this article was helpful. The CPD Certification Service is the world's leading and largest CPD accreditation organisation, with over 25 years’ experience supporting CPD providers across all industry sectors. If you provide training courses and educational events that may be suitable for Continuing Professional Development, please contact our team to discuss in more detail.

Alternatively if you are looking for a free online CPD record tool to help manage, track and log your ongoing Continuing Professional Development, as well as store your personal training record and CPD attendance certificates in one simple place, please visit the myCPD Portal page.

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